“The Crow” Takes Flight

I am delighted and excited to announce the release of The Crow at my Bandcamp site.

The songs include some of the ones I have been performing since 2007-ish at protests and rallies (and for which I have been getting many requests for recordings over the years), a few golden oldies (I wrote “Waves” when I was 21), as well as some newer songs written between 2016-2019.

This is also the project I began with Bill Bourne in 2019 at his Tree Frog studio in Riverdale. Between Bill’s touring schedule, his computer crashing, the pandemic hitting, and then his cancer diagnosis, we never made it back into the studio. However, he left the bed tracks with me, and I spent some time playing with them at home, adding backing vocals and other instruments like keyboard and mandolin. In the spring of 2022 I reached out to John Armstrong, a local musician and producer who used to work with Bill, and he was able to take what Bill and I recorded and brought in some of the most in-demand musicians in town to complete the album. I am especially grateful that, thanks to John and I being able to find Bill’s hard drives, we’re able to present Bill playing guitar on three of the tracks.

A short run of physical CDs and placement on streaming services are to come in the near future. Plus, stay tuned for hopefully some gig announcements.

Huge thanks go to John Armstrong who helped save this project from oblivion, Harry Gregg of Riverdale Recorders for his masterful mastering, and Paul Steffes, Kevin Cook, Miguel Ferrer, and Michael (Mucha Bee) Belandiuk for their musical contributions. And, of course, to Bill, wherever you are.